> A Summary of the Paris Health Expo - Urban Soul Osteopathy
Events,  Healthcare,  Injuries,  Neck/ Cervical Pain,  Pain Relief,  Shoulder Pain

A Summary of the Paris Health Expo

Hey Everyone it’s Michael Brunozzi of Urban Soul Osteopathy. I’m just recapping my experience at the Paris Health and Wellness Expo in October. The event was held at the Paris Fairgrounds on October 6th.  I had a table set up, and I was handing out brochures and business cards and just talking to people about how osteopathy can help them with their particular health concerns. 

Paris Health Expo Display

I had a chance to meet some other vendors while I was there.  There were vendors from from Epicure and Organo that were set up close to my table.  We discussed the healthy products they offer. Check out their sites if your interested in those products.

Understanding Cervical Disc Bulges

Some of the best conversations I had were from prospective clients.  One woman in particular was struggling with a cervical disc bulge.  This was resulting in pain and numbness down her arm.

When a vertebral disc bulges it disturbs the nerves surrounding that joint space which can cause these type of symptoms.  Often it occurs from a long duration of compression on the discs which weakens the ligaments that hold the vertebral discs in place.

By treating the neck and surrounding areas, I can help take some of the pressure off of the discs. This helps to stabilize the area and allow the disc to gradually return to its natural location.  When the disc is in the appropriate place, it takes pressure off the nerves and helps alleviate many of those symptoms.

Concussion Management with Osteopathy

I also talked about concussions with with a mom whose child had experienced a couple head injuries while playing sports. Obviously every concussion is a little different; however, common symptoms are headaches, fatigue, poor balance, ringing in the ears, blurred vision, and sensitivity to light or sound. 

I’ve worked with many individuals recovering from head injuries. Severe head injuries result in swelling of the brain tissue. The swelling then creates pressure within the skull and can impact how the nerves and brain function.

Often, the neck gets ignored when treating patients following a head injury.  It’s important to clear restrictions in the neck and chest so that inflammation can drain out of the head more efficiently.  Osteopathic treatment looks at the whole body when addressing any issue. I always look at these areas when I treat patients that have had a concussion.

When the inflammation is free to drain out of the head, the pressure in the skull decreases, and leads to a decrease in the patient’s symptoms. Ultimately this helps the brain heal quicker than it would have without receiving treatment.

Is Osteopathy Good For Frozen Shoulder?

 Frozen shoulder is another problem that many patients complain about.  I talked to a man who has been dealing with this issue for over two years.  In my opinion, that’s too long for somebody to be suffering with this issue.

Shoulders are a lot more complicated than just the joint itself. They have many muscles that attach from the base of your skull down to your low back.  When treating patients with frozen shoulder I look at all these muscular attachments and how they are affecting the shoulder’s motion. I also look at the muscle’s other attachments to make sure nothing is out of place that could be affecting how those muscles are moving.  

I also think it’s important to look at the nerve and blood supply to the shoulder. If the nerves are disturbed, they become stimulated and cause the muscles to contract.  when they stay contracted, they can clamp down on the blood vessels which are feeding the shoulder joint. If the shoulder joint is not lubricated properly it can seize and the quality of motion will be impacted.  Osteopathic treatment can help improve the quality of blood flow to the shoulder joint so that it recovers and regains full range of motion.

The Paris Health and Wellness Expo was a great experience for me. It gave me the opportunity to speak to a lot of different people about common problems.  If you didn’t get a chance to check out the expo in October, there is one scheduled for the springtime that I might attend.

Stay Informed!

If you have any questions, I am always happy to share information and let you know how osteopathic treatment can help your specific needs.  Feel free to call or email with any questions you might have.   As always you can schedule an appointment using the online booking site.   Also, please check out the website towards the end of the month when I’ll have some tips on how to stay healthy this winter.

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